Friday, November 22, 2013


Wall Street Journal Reports
Facebook Decline

 “Facebook's web-based users in the U.S. declined year over year, and the company's core U.S. business may be shrinking,” according to the Wall Street Journal. The key words here are “web-based users.” Mobile users are increasing, however, 78% of Facebook’s revenue come from its web-based ads.

Additionally, teenage use of Facebook is declining in favor of Instagram (a Facebook acquisition as of Aug. 2012) and Twitter (among several other social media). According to Pew Internet & American Life Project, the majority of teenagers complained of “an increasing adult presence, high-pressure or otherwise negative social interactions (‘drama’), or feeling overwhelmed by others who share too much.”

A Revealing Social Media Campaign

Using social media for a brand unveiling is trending. In August, 2013, Yahoo! implemented a rebranding campaign with a 30-day preview of 30 different logo renditions on TUMBLR (Yahoo!'s social media/microblogging combo site, boasting 108.4 million blogs, 50.9 billion posts, and 175 employees). The final reveal was made September 5th with the purple and exclamation intact, but the type and website revamped. A video of the 30-day progression can be seen below.

Figure 1: Yahoo!'s old logo.
Figure 2: Yahoo!'s new logo 
released September 5, 2013.

Yahoo!'s "30 Days of Change" video:

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